
European spatial data Infrastructure

What is the INSPIRE directive?

Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community



The INSPIRE Directive, drafted by the European Commission's General Directorate for the Environment, aims to establish a Spatial Data Infrastructure in Europe.

It begins with the need to organize and pool spatial information from the different Spatial Data Infrastructures of Member States and with the aim of overcoming the problems of availability, quality, management, accessibility and sharing of all European geoinformation.

The Directive 2007/2/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 14 March 2007, establishing a space information infrastructure in the European Community (Inspire), was published in the Official Journal on 25 April 2007. It entered into force on 15 May 2007. The transposition of this Directive into the Spanish legal system is carried out through the Law 14/2010, of 5 July, about the infrastructures and geographic information services in Spain (LISIGE).

In Catalonia the Law 16/2005, of 27 December, of the geographic information and the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya collects the principles declared in the Inspire Directive based on non-duplication, ease of access and use of geoinformation.